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Articles by Niccolò Caranti

Cybersecurity: rischi e attori malevoli

27/11/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

Quali sono i rischi principali relativi alla cybersecurity e i principali attori coinvolti? Un’introduzione per comprendere meglio i dibattiti sulla cybersecurity

Cybersecurity dictionary

30/07/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

A cybersecurity glossary made in the framework of project ESVEI

Did the State do it? The attribution of cyber attacks

05/05/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

Whenever a website has issues, we immediately think of hackers – maybe Russians. But how do you understand when a State really is responsible for an attack, and how do you hold it accountable?

Quintarelli: politics cannot be done remotely

28/04/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

Some things can be done remotely, but parliamentary activity requires presence, and not only for IT security issues. Interview with computer scientist and former MP Stefano Quintarelli

Electronic voting, cybersecurity, and Russian hackers

10/03/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

The Coronavirus emergency brings back talk about online voting, prohibited by our Constitution. According to Stefano Zanero, of the Polytechnic of Milan, it is necessary to ensure that all the IT infrastructures linked to the elections are secure, because in any country the first threat to consider is always that of those in power. We met him

Cybersecurity and politics

13/02/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

Political parties do not seem to take cybersecurity seriously. Yet, there are dangers for their members’ data, their executives’ communications, and even their countries’ infrastructure. A map made within the framework of the project ESVEI by OBC Transeuropa.

Doing politics without public funds, the speakers' interventions

28/11/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

We publish the detailed report of the speakers' interventions at the policy workshop "Doing politics without public funds. New vulnerabilities and transparency challenges", which took place on November 20th, 2019 in Rome, as part of the ESVEI project promoted by OBCT/ CCI

The funding of politics in Italy

18/11/2019 -  Fazıla MatNiccolò Caranti

In Italy the abolition of direct public funding to parties gave a greater role to private financing, increasing the risk of undue influence on the democratic process. A dossier as a part of the ESVEI project

Political parties, think tanks, and other animals

15/11/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

Politics is not only made in parties, but also in think tanks: research centres, places of relationships and safes. In Italy the transparency law has equated them with parties, but the issue is complex

Party financing: to fight corruption transparency is needed

17/09/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

Interview with Gianluca Esposito, executive secretary of GRECO, the Council of Europe's anti-corruption body

Political funding: years of scandals

27/08/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

An interactive map of some of the main cases of scandals related to political parties and campaign funding in Europe. In some cases the (alleged) financing is illegal in itself, in some others the scandal derives from the lack of transparency

Lobbying in Italy and legislator schizophrenia

29/07/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

In Italy today lobbying is regulated in an inconsistent manner and rules are not applied. Greater transparency is necessary for investors too, but this situation is convenient for politics. Interview with Pier Luigi Petrillo

Prigionieri serbi e russi sul fronte alpino: Wikipedia e i luoghi della memoria per gli ultimi

27/05/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

ll 28 maggio il nostro Niccolò Caranti presenterà a Turku, in Finlandia, l’iniziativa che OBCT ha svolto nell’ambito del progetto AgainNeverAgain. Un resoconto

What if Facebook was a non-profit?

13/05/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti

The essential problem behind misinformation is the Internet business model. Let's try to imagine a different one, one in which Facebook and Google are not for profit

Dossier: Disinformation

11/01/2019 -  Niccolò Caranti - Fazıla Mat

"Fake news" or disinformation is one of the most pressing issues of our times. Building on the materials of the Resource Centre on Press and Media Freedom in Europe, OBCT devoted its latest special dossier to this topic

La direttiva europea sul copyright minaccia internet?

25/06/2018 -  Niccolò Caranti

A pochi giorni dalla sua approvazione da parte della Commissione giuridica del Parlamento europeo facciamo il punto sulla direttiva europea sul copyright